Professional Practice Financing for Lawyers, Accountants, Insurance Agencies, and Engineers

Financing for Professional Services Practices is available right now from the experts at Dividend America.  We finance Attorney Practices, Accounting Practices, Engineering Practices and Insurance Practices using special loans designed for these types of businesses.  Service professionals are busy people that need and deserve special services.

At Dividend America we offer an easy step by step approach that leads to success for the professionals we assist.  With 85-90% financing for lawyers and other loans for accounting practices we are helping build and grow all kinds of practices from from Atlanta, GA all the way to Phoenix, AZ and across this great nation.

Attorneys, Accountants, Lawyers and Insurance Practices are learning that Dividend America has the resources they need to get  Financing for their practices. We meet the needs of our client by providing them with:

Professional Practice Loan Features

»     Some of the lowest rates, fixed for extended periods.
»     85-90% financing for medical practices of all types
»     Terms for fixed rates  from 5 – 10 years
»     Add  real estate to you medical loan and get up to 25 year amortization
»     Low and flexible prepayment penalties with the ability to buy down the term
»     Low overall loan costs and -0- due diligence fees!

Available in Atlanta, GA; Phoenix, AZ; or any other major city in the USA

Dividend America offers the loans that pay dividends for your business.  Loans can be used for:

Debt Consolidation

Use our professional service practice loan to consolidate many different  loans including lingering college tuition and loans used to upgrade equipment and loans used to finance the purchase of other practices.  This business loan is a great way to solidify your professional services practice.

90% Financing for Professional Services Practice Acquisitions

Use Practice Acquisition Financing for service professionals to finance the purchase of other practices or to finance the buyout existing partners.  As a general business lender, we are very familiar with the time lines involved with sensitive business purchases! We can give you access to the capital you need to expand your business without crippling your cash flow.

Expand, Upgrade or Remodel Your Office Building

Is it time for an upgrade?  Dividend America provides up to 90% financing to update a tired office or to finance the expansion or remodel of a office building.  Purchase more modern equipment or purchase a larger building as part of financing a practice acquisition.

Building Purchase Loans for Professional Services Practices

Apply Here ButtonBuying a building?  It’s no problem for us.  We have the capital that professionals need to get the type of facility specific to their need.  Dividend America started out teaching professionals how to invest in real estate.  We can show you how that building can pay for itself!

If you have any questions I invite you to call.  Thank you for the opportunity to serve,

Michael Gross
