Multifamily and commercial real estate investments are on the rise. As the economy improves more and more people are taking advantage of the great opportunities that are available. Multifamily lending sources are also increasing. Investors are finding that loans for apartment buildings and apartment complex loans are more readily sourced and easier to qualify for.
As the echo-boomer generation in cities like Atlanta, GA, Phoenix, AZ, Charlotte, NC, Jacksonville, FL and Dallas, TX begin to leave their parents homes and strike out on their own they will inevitably become a new generation of renters. Multifamily lending will soon be at the forefront of a coming wave of apartment complex loans and loans for apartment buildings that will help build portfolios of apartment communities for experienced companies and new entrepreneurs.
Dividend America is on the forefront of the multifamily lending and financing industry. As investors ourselves we understand the special requirements of apartment complex loans and loans for apartment buildings. Whether the commercial loans is for cash out to provide equity for apartment complex purchases or whether the loan for apartment buildings is a first lien position, we can help create a apartment community financing strategy that provides fast approvals and easier qualifying.
Visit Dividend America’s easy app page or read all about the program requirements and success stories on their web site. You can even request a no obligation conversation to learn more about apartment complex loans in cities like Atlanta, GA, Phoenix, AZ, Charlotte, NC, Greenville, SC, Jacksonville, FL and Dallas, TX.